Wednesday, September 10, 2014

10 Reasons To Quit YouTube (And Why Your Excuses Suck)

Don't quit YouTubeHere are the 10 best reasons that will either convince you to stop making YouTube videos, or show that YouTube is something for you.
  1. Your videos are terrible.
  2. You will never succeed so why try?
  3. There are so many other good videos out there. Mine will get lost in the search.
  4. I'm starting my YouTube "career" way too late.
  5. What's the point?
  6. I don't have the right hardware to record.
  7. I always have people distracting you from recording, so why bother?
  8. It's just too much work.
  9. My time is better spent elsewhere.
  10. I don't know what to record.
If you're still with me, congratulations!
Now let's go through the 10 reasons for why the excuses above are complete and total bull.
  1. There will always be people doing something better than you, but there always will be people doing it worse than you. If you persevere, you will get better!
  2. It all depends on what you mean by success. If your goal is earning millions of dollars quickly, then YouTube isn't for you. However, if success means having a tight-know community who you can talk to and have fun with, while making some extra money, then that's reachable within a year if not more!
  3. Check out this post. There are a lot of great videos, but some games also have almost no videos for them. It all depends on how you look at it, and what you're willing to record.
  4. You have to start someday. Today is earlier than tomorrow ain't it?
  5. What's the point of life? Or food? Or sleep? Or having fun?
  6. Do you have a computer and a headset (for gaming), or a phone (for other videos)? If yes, then you're all set!
  7. If you really can't get 10 minutes of alone time in your house, then make some cuts in your videos and record in short bursts!
  8. Life is too much work man...
  9. Possibly, yes! But isn't it always "better" to be doing something else?
  10. That is problematic... ANYTHING! You can record. Play. Do. ANYTHING! 
Thank you guys for reading my top 10 reasons for quitting YouTube (and the reasons for why the excuses are absolutely terrible).
If you have any excuses of your own, please post them in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the article it is indeed really helpful. I just started my youtube channel and these doubts are all the time wandering in my head. However, actually what I need to do is just to insist on what I am passionate about and make good contents for my subscribers.
