Heyguys! I am so excited right now because one of my favorite childhood games (yes I was a violent child) is out on android! It's an old school top down down shooter. The game has two game modes. Campaign and infinite survival. In campaign you play as either a man or a woman (your choice) and you infiltrate a secret compound and try to figure out where the aliens are coming from, all while defeating hordes of aliens, finding secrets, and upgrading your extensive arsenal of weapons and inventory.
The game gets more and more fun as you go so if you play the demo you might not get the same enjoyment as from the actual game because the later levels with waves of monsters after monsters and no time to rest are the ones that really make your heart pound.
The game is $2.99 on google play and it is well worth it's price. There's a demo available to download, but it only has one level you can play. If you can't decided whether to buy it or not, then download the demo and see for yourself what an amazing game this is!
Demo: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sigmateam.alienshootermobile.free&hl=en
Actual game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sigmateam.alienshootermobile&hl=en
P.S.: the screenshots are from the same area one of them before I went through it, the other one after I did.
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