Sunday, August 31, 2014

How To Get More Views As A Gaming Channel On YouTube

How To Get More Views As A Gaming Channel On YouTubeThere are hundreds of thousands of gaming channels on YouTube trying to make it and become famous. If you record and post the same thing as everyone else. You WILL get lost in the search. Just imagine how many new Minecraft Survival videos are posted every day. Definitely way too many!

Lucky for you, I'm here to tell you where you can find success in the YouTube gaming niche, and where you shouldn't even go if you want to get more viewers.

Contrary to the popular belief, even a mediocre YouTube channel can become popular if they post the right kinds of videos. At this point, you might be itching to ask me- What exactly should I record for a gaming channel?
I will answer that question eventually, but first, let's talk about what you shouldn't record!

Do Not Record These. Ever!

1. Games Already Recorded By Very Popular YouTubers

If you see a video on the channel of a popular YouTuber, there's a high chance that that game will have competition that will choke you and beat you to death with one pinky.
As a case study let's use the game Five Nights At Freddy's. You might have just found the game, and you want to record yourself playing it and nearly shitting your pants.

It's a great way to entertain your current subscribers, but a terrible way to get new ones. Why? Let's check out what videos come up when you search for "five nights at freddy's" on YouTube.

MarkPlier Five Night's At Freddy'sThe first result is by Markplier, and it has 3,770,698 views. He has a very popular gaming YouTube channel, and if you want co compete with him. Well.. Good luck...

French Five Night's At Freddy'sSome of the videos might look like they're easy to beat. However, if you look closely, you'll see that these are in a different language.

German Five Night's At Freddy'sThese would be the most popular German, Russian, and French videos of this game. Your chance of beating the rankings of games like this and getting more viewers or subscribers is incredibly small.

Russian Five Night's At Freddy'sThe only exception to this rule would be if you're recording the game in a language other than English, and no one has recorded it yet in your language.

2. Popular Games That Just Came Out

If you're recording and posting video games that just came out, you're basically trying to compete with all the other huge YouTube channels out there. Unless it's a small indie game, then there is no point in playing it to gain subscribers.
Of course, you can always play it for your enjoyment and record, but it's not a good choice if you want to increase your view-count. 
If you can, always utilize the YouTube Search Check to see if you can compete with the other results.
Just compare these two searches below:

Which one do you think it's easier to rank for?
The search of "Metro Redux" with the competition that gets 200K+ views, and is owned by a huge tech company (IGN, 4,946,707 subs) , a popular German YouTuber (rechyyy, 182,478 subs), and the creators of the game (metrovideogame, 25,562 subs).


Two small channels, one of which is the creator of the game?(GrittyUrbanSaga, 528 subs) and (Egor Rezenov, 68 subs).
Metro Redux YouTube Search

The choice is yours!
You might be thinking you won't get as many views if the game isn't incredibly popular. However, if you're in the top 10 for almost any game on the planet, you will be able to get way more views than if you are on page 2+ of a very popular game.
The truth is: Most people don't look past the first page of the search engine. Be it Google, Bing, or YouTube. 
So don't forget to utilize the YouTube Search Check before you record a video!
At this point you might be wondering: "So what should I actually record if I want to increase my viewer count?".

What You Should Record To Increase Viewers

1. FTP Online Games (Preferably A Series)

There are numerous online games out there, with a huge base of players who love watching content about the game. It's hard to be a one-hit wonder with games like these, but if you record at least one video every week or 2 weeks, you will get a loyal following of the players of the game.

Doing a YouTube Search Check could be useful, but it's not necessary in this case.  
You're not aiming to be in the top 10 of the results for that game. (Even though that will be a by-product of getting a loyal following of the players)

What you are aiming to do is to be in the top results for the latest videos for that game.(past week or so). People often look for gamers who play the game on a consistent basis, and skip over the game reviews, and one hit wonders.
AVA Gameplay YouTube Search
Where is the proof that it works?

Well, that's how I started out my YouTube career, and my first video is the third result for a search of "AVA Gameplay", so I'd consider it to be pretty successful! Check out the picture on the right to see me in the third spot!

Some of the key things to remember when doing this are:
  • Make your first video absolutely amazing. Plan for it way ahead of time, and try to make it as good as you possibly can. You will receive the most views on this video, and if it's bad it won't convert as well
    • I regret not making my first video as good as I could've, because I think I lost loads of possible subscribers by hurrying it (Don't make the same mistake as me!)
  • Make sure you respond to the comments! 
  • Post your video on the forum of the game (if the forum allows it). That should give you a couple quick views.

AVA PerformanceFor those of you still undecided, here is the lifetime performance of all of the videos for the first FTP Online Game I started to play:

Sadly, you're not allowed to show your YouTube earnings, or else your account gets banned, but this is what I am allowed to show you guys.

As you can see these videos got me 71,000 views, 160 subs, and over 1500 comments!

2. Flash Games (Yes, Flash Games!)

Some people scoff at the idea of making flash game gameplay for YouTube. However, if you are one of the first people to post a video for a specific flash game, you can get a lot of views!

For this, it's very important to use the YouTube Search Check to make sure that you will be one of the first people posting the video for the game. 
Flash Game Fridays Performance

Check out my stats from only 12 videos of flash games that I have on my channel!

They only drove 12 subscribers, but I got almost 8,000 views from them!

The funny thing is: I have 3 popular videos, but the rest have 20 views. The reason for the success of those 3 videos, is the fact that I was the first person to upload it and act on it!

outranking PewDiePie and MarkPlierI have the number 1 ranking for the search "Soccer Physics PC"over guys like: PewDiePie, MarkPlier, and other popular gamers. 

Do they have more views than me? Of course... They have way more subscribers.

However, I am still ranked number one for that keyword, and I don't think I'm going to get knocked down!

I also have the 2nd ranking for Bucket Cop as shown on the right, and even though this game didn't bring me as many subscribers or viewers as the game that I'm about to show you, it's still nice to know that I will be at the top for this game for quite a while!

My most popular Flash Game video by far is my Dream Car Racing 2 video. It has around 6,200 views at the time of writing, and I'm ranked number one for the searches "Dream Car Racing 2, Dream Car Racing 2 Gameplay", and probably a couple more.

Another great thing about it is that since I gave it a catchy name: Flash Game Fridays, I am in the top 10 results and steadily climbing for that keyword. 
When I reach the top, I'm sure I will get even more viewers!

So how do you find flash games that don't have any videos for them yet, that people might search for?
Pick your favorite Flash Game website, I will use Kongregate because they have a very useful Hot New Games bar. 

Hot New Games KongregateBasically, what I do is just log on to Kong from time to time, go to the Hot New Games section, and check out if there are any games posted TODAY.

If there are, I do a quick YouTube Search Check, and if there are any videos on it. If the coast looks clear, I record a quick video and post it on the same day!

Hot New Games On KongregateThe sooner you post it, the higher the chance that you will be the most popular result for that game.

Just today, I went on and saw that Jellydad Hero was just uploaded on Kong and didn't have any videos on YouTube, so I went and created aquick video on it! Hopefully it'll start ranking soon.

Flash games are so great for views, that you could even create a very popular YouTube channel just for flash games! You could be very, very successful if you check for new ones every day and always do the YouTube search check!

3. Reach Out To Indie/Kickstarter Games In Development

If you are the only one to create a video for an indie game in devolpment, you pretty much have it made.
All you have to do is:
  1. Reach out to the game developer through e-mail/facebook
  2. Tell him that:
    1. You have a YouTube channel and he will get free publicity from the video
    2. You love his game design/idea/whatever. (Make sure this is actually true though, you don't want to make a review of a game you think you would dislike)
    3. You would be very grateful if he could send you a Beta/Alpha version of the game before everyone else (Of course you'll link to his campaign/game in the description of your video)
  3. Sit patiently and hope for a positive response 
    1. If it's positive: Thank them profusely and say you can't wait to record some gameplay.
    2. If it's not positive: Thank them profusely for taking their time to answer your email and say you can't wait to play their game when it does come out.

A sample email could go like this:
Hello, [Game Creator], I am the owner of the YouTube channel [MyChannel], and I would love to create a review of your work-in-progress. I can't wait to play it, and I think it would be great for your publicity. I'd obviously leave a link to [Your Game] in the description of my video. Thank you for your time!
The email is short, to-the-point, and easy to understand. Of course you could always personalize it more, but make sure that the reader will understand what you want from him within the first sentence or two.

4. Anything That Passes The YouTube Search Check

Basically anything that passes the search check is good for getting more viewers and subscribers. 
However, don't just pick games you don't want to play, just because you think you might rank high for them.
If you're not enjoying the game, your viewers won't enjoy the gameplay (Unless your trademark is dissing every game you play.

Is This The End?

We're almost there! Bear with me here!

Here's a quick summary of what you should and shouldn't record, and how you should go about figuring out if something is worth recording if it's not on this list. 
There are also some bonus tips at the end of this section, so stay tuned in!

Do Not Record:
  1. Games Already Recorded By Big YouTube Channels
  2. Popular Games That Just Came Out
Do Record:
  1. A Series Of FTP Online Games
  2. Flash Games
  3. Indie Games (Both In Development And Just Released)
  4. Any Topic That Passes The YouTube Search Check
What if the game is not on this list? 
Number 4 in the Do Record box mostly takes care of it, but if you want to be more detailed, you should do some keyword research.

Bonus Information!

How To Rank Your Video On Google

You know what's better than being on the first page of YouTube for a keyword?
Being on the first page of Google for a keyword! However, what's the keyword/video title you should use to be able to get to the first page of Google?
As always there are a couple simple steps:
AVA Gameplay Google Search
Top 3 on YouTube for AVA Gameplay,
but nowhere to be found on Google...
  1. Do the YouTube search check first to see if you can be in the top 3 of the results. (Even if you're in the top 3 on YouTube, it doesn't necessarily mean you will be in the top 3 videos on Google for the same search.)
  2. Do a Google search for "[Your Game Name] Gameplay", why are we using this format? Because YouTube gives priority to video results with the following keywords:
    1. Gameplay
    2. Tutorial
    3. How To
    4. Unboxing
  3. If there are already a couple videos in the results and you think you have a good chance of beating them, you should make the video!
  4. If there are no videos in the results, but it is a combination of the game-name and the 4 keywords I mentioned before. You should definitely make the video! 

Having your video rank in the top 10 on Google can double your traffic in some cases, so if you want to do that, you can check out the software called Market Samurai, and read my post on using it to improve your YouTube rankings here!

One last tip that I have for you guys is to create closed captions for your video if you're trying to make it rank higher.


Simply because it gives Google more data to work with when trying to understand what your video is about, and if you say the keyword you're trying to rank for, a couple times in the video, it could bump you up in the rankings!

Wow! This is the longest post I have ever created! I tried to make it as information-packed as possible, but if you think I missed something or if you liked it please comment!

Thank You For Reading!

Delete My YouTube Channel?

I've thought about it a lot, and I'm at the point where I'm considering deleting my YouTube channel.   Now when I say deleting, I don't mean completely stopping YouTubing. At this point I basically have 3 choices: 
  1. Delete the BeatDaBest channel and create a new one where my videos will be of higher quality. (keeping my fellow subscribers of course)
  2. Create a new channel without deleting my old one. 
  3. Keep this channel, and just try to make my videos of higher quality if I can. 
Please tell me what you guys think I should do in the comments!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

How To Use Market Samurai For Ranking YouTube Videos

If you've heard of the great piece of software called Market Samurai, kudos to you! If you're using it for your website already, good job!
However, are you using it to help you rank your YouTube videos on Google?

uncharted gameplay google videos
Having your YouTube video on the first page of Google can double the traffic to your video, and who wouldn't want that to happen?

However, Google usually features videos with these keywords in them:
  • Gameplay
  • Tutorial
  • How To
  • Unboxing
So if your video is related to one of these, you have a fair chance of having a high rank on Google.

If You Don't Have Market Samurai You Can Download A Free Trial Here!

Let's say that you're trying to rank a video for "Uncharted Gameplay".

As you can see above, it looks like a hard term to rank for. 

However, let's boot up Market Samurai, press that New Keyword button, type in "Uncharted Gameplay" as your keyword and go to the SEO Competition module. This is the module that you will use for figuring out how you can rank your YouTube videos.
Now press Generate results and you will see something like the picture below! 

uncharted gameplay market samurai

As you can see, the top 3 results are the videos that we saw in the actual search. You might be seeing a lot of red and yellow, but a large number of that will be the same across all YouTube domains.

The important columns to look at are the: 
  • PR column because they differ from video to video. (Anything above PR2 will be hard to beat)
  • RDP column (RDP means referring domains, and it basically shows how many websites have backlinks to this video on them)
  • BLP column (This is the amount of backlinks the video has. Keep in mind that 10 backlinks from high PR sites are better than 1000 backlinks from spammy sites)
  • The last 4 columns (If there are a lot of N's there, it means that you might be able to overtake the result if you put the keyword into the Title, Decription, and the tags)
For this search result, you could probably rank in the top 3 if you:
  1. Put Uncharted Gameplay into the Title, Decription, Tags, and comments of the video.
  2. Name the original file you upload Uncharted Gameplay
  3. Get either 5-20 doFollow backlinks from high-PR sites (long term strategy), or 500-2000 crappy backlinks from any sites (Short term spammy strategy)
Another thing you can do is create Captions for the video, so YouTube has more information to index it, and hopefully put it on the front page for the search.

If you like Market Samurai, and you would like to buy it, you can check out my blog post on how to get it for only $57 here
Thank you for reading, and don't be afraid to comment if you have any questions! Good luck in destroying your competition and ranking first on Google!

Friday, August 29, 2014

What Is The YouTube Search Check?

YouTube Search CheckThe YouTube Search Check is probably one of the most valuable things you can do before making a video for YouTube.
It consists of a few simple steps:
  1. Going on YouTube
  2. Thinking of what you're planning on recording
  3. Picking out a keyword/game name of what you're going to record
  4. Pasting that into the YouTube search box.
  5. Hardest Step: Judging whether or not you will be able to make it into the top 10 page for that keyword on YouTube based on your competition. Some of the things to look at are
    1. How many views the most and least popular videos are getting (whether your videos get more views than that on average)
    2. How many subscribers do the top channels for the video have
    3. How original will your video be compared to the other videos in the search?
    4. What are the tags for the other videos? (Can you do it better or not?)
For checking the tags of your competition I recommend using vidIQ as it's an absolutely amazing tool, and blows all the other ones I have tried out of the water.
Let's do a quick and obvious comparison of what might be a good video to make, and what might be a bad one.

YouTube Search Check Metro Redux
Here are the first couple results for the search Metro Redux". You're probably better off not recording videos of this game unless you REALLY want to play it, or unless you think you can beat these top 3 crazy results to the right.

YouTube Search Check TrieraHowever, if you search for an indie game such as Triera, the result is totally different. There are only 2 videos for the game, both with fairly easy competition. And even if you are unable to beat your competition, your worst case scenario is being the THIRD result on the search for "Triera gameplay", I would consider that to be a pretty good search result!

Thank you for reading, and please leave a comment if you need me to clarify something, help you with using the Search Check, or if you just want to say hi!

JellyDad Hero Impressions

Jellydad Hero is a fun little game from PITon_ who is also known as Andrey Kovalishin. He is the creator of all the Snail Bob games.

Jellydad Hero
Look! It's Jellydad Hero and his
beautiful family!
The game is a platforming game, and it takes the same approach as Snail Bob, where the main character is a slow moving snail. In this game however, you are a slow moving blob of goo who is trying to save his family from space-pirates. The game itself is a bit nonsensical, but then again, what flash game isn't?

The game adds an interesting little concept, where to operate switches or move items, you completely engulf them with your jellyness. It's cute, well-made, and can easily make those 20 minutes that you can spend playing this game fly by.

I completed this game in around 21 minutes, and you can check out my playthrough of it in the video below!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Giveaway!

Deux Ex:Human Revolution Giveaway!
Deux Ex:Human Revolution Giveaway!
My birthday is coming up on September 20th, so I decided to reward all my YouTube viewers, blog followers, and the random people that might stumble upon this post.
I'm giving away a free Steam key for Deux Ex: Human Revolution! You can enter in the bar to the right, or by going here! Good luck!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Guide To Buying Games On G2A

G2A is a great website to buy cheap games, but some people are scared away because they don't understand how the website works. This guide is here to answer every possible question you might have about the website and let you buy games for cheap!

P.S. Don't forget to check out the how to stay safe while buying on G2A section below and find out about the G2A Selected Offer and G2A Shield!

P.S.S. If you're interested in making money through GoldMine check out this post instead!

The Home Page Dissection
When you first open G2A, you will probably see something like this:
G2A top bar

G2A bottom bar

I'll call them the top bar and the bottom bar. A short summary of both:

  • The top bar lets you clarify which games you're looking for (genre, price, platform, etc)
  • While the bottom bar shows you the games that fit the criteria you chose.
Since I'm trying to make this as detailed as possible, let's talk about the top bar. If you're not interested in this, then just scroll down!

The Top Bar
G2A Games barThe Games bar allows you to choose if you want to buy a:
  • Bestselling game
  • New Game
  • Pre-Oder A Game
  • Software
  • Or In-Game Currency
There are many more options, but it's pretty self-explanatory.

The Platform bar allows you to choose what "Platform" you're buying the game for. You can choose between xBox, Apple, PSN, and numerous PC gaming platforms such as Steam, Origin, uPlay and others.
G2A Platform Tab
If you have Steam, I recommend choosing Steam, but sometimes there are better deals for other platforms, so if you're looking for the best deal, you can leave all of them on.

The Genre tab allows you to choose the genre of the game you want to buy. This should be pretty self-explanatory...

G2A Price Range BarThe Price Range is actually my favorite function in the top tab. safe seller. Since I'm talking about a safe seller, let's find out who a safe seller is!
It lets you choose the lowest and highest prices you're willing to pay for your game. Usually I set it between $0-$10 when looking for good deals, but if you're looking for a crazy deal, you can set it between $0-$3. Just make sure that you're buying from a

Selecting Your Location

G2A change locationIn the top right corner of the page, right by the Login button, you should see a flag with the name of the current country you're using.

If you want to pick a different country, just click on it and select one from the dropdown list!

Be careful because even if you choose a specific country, the search results aren't filtered and you might get a game that is region locked if you're not vigilant!

How To Stay Safe When Buying

G2A Buy Now ButtonTo stay safe when buying from G2A it's important to understand what each drop-down window in the buying section means. To get to the drop down menu press the blue arrow by the price and the Buy Now button!

G2A logo
If you see something that looks like the pictures on the right, and the price is good, then BUY IT FROM THEM, these are the keys that G2A is selling themselves, so you will not get scammed!
G2A selected offer

If you're buying directly from G2A, or a trusted seller, make sure that you turn off the G2A shield because that's just a waste of money.
G2A shield

To do that make sure the G2A Shield looks like the one on the right.

G2A Shield ProcessWhat the shield does is "allows" you to make sure to get what you paid for, but it requires you to copy a certain code, contact support, and use TeamViewer to show that you got or didn't get the game, and the whole process can take up to 72 hours. The best thing you can do is just ignore the G2A shield icon, turn it off, and buy from trusted sellers. 

G2A sellersHowever, if G2A themselves isn't selling the key, you need to learn how to find the best seller on G2A. When you load, you will be presented with a bar like the one on the right. 
To make sure you do not get scammed look for 2 things:
  • A 100% rating
  • At least 100 sales (the more the better)
For example in the last picture, I would buy the game from the seller who is selling a Digital Key for $34.01. I can see that he has a 100% satisfaction rating, and he has 431 sales, which means he won't scam me. 

Another important piece of information to know when buying Steam items on G2A is the difference between a Digital Key and a Steam Gift.
Steam digital key on G2AThe Digital Key:
  • Looks like the picture to the right of this.
  • Means that you don't have to buy this game for yourself, you can buy it for your friend and send him the key
  • Means that the seller doesn't need to know your Steam Usernam
The Steam Gift:
    Steam Gift on G2a
  • Looks like the picture to the right of this.
  • Can only be used by you
  • Means the seller has to know your Steam Username
 I greatly prefer Digital Keys, but you can also buy Steam Gifts if they're from a Safe Seller!

Thank you for reading and I hope this guide helped you! Please leave a comment if you want to clarify something or if this guide helped you!

As always you can visit G2A using my link, and buy something to help this blog out!
P.S. If you would like to buy a game from G2A, but don't have any money, check out my website to see how you can make enough money to buy yourself a game fast!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Jagged Alliance: Crossfire- Deal Of The Day 10

Cheap jagged Alliance CrossfireWhat's up guys, this is BeatDaBest bringing you another Deal Of The Day!
Today's honors go to G2A's official deal of the day game called Jagged Alliance: Crossfire.
There really ain't much to say about this game except for the fact that you can try it out and leave your response in the comments about how much you liked, or didn't like it. It's only around $4 so why not buy it?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cheapest Batman Arkham City- Deal Of The Day 9

cheapest batman arkham city is having another HUGE sale, which you can check out here, but today's quick post isn't about a game from the weekly sale, because anyone can easily find them. Today's post is about Batman Arkham City which goes for only $5.72, if you keep your G2A Shield off.
Another amazing price for an amazing game. If you're not buying games from them, then you're wasting money...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Crazy Market Samurai Discount (2014)

If you're a blog or website owner, then you've probably heard of the amazing SEO software called Market Samurai. It costs $149 and with their usual discount you can get it for $97, but if you check out my post on my other blog on the Biggest Market Samurai Discount Ever, or to be precise $40 more dollars. You can get the software for only $57 which is a crazy good price for this amazing piece of software!

Once again, just visit my post on my onlinemoneyz website to find out how I can get you an even bigger discount!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

AVA Gameplay EP112 I'm Back!

I'm finally back after 2 weeks of no laptop to record on, and then 2 weeks of California! My dad let me use his new computer while mine gets fixed, so expect some higher quality graphics and smoother video!
I'm going to record SF2 and AVA, and probably some single player games because I want the single player games to have higher graphical quality.

Cheapest Skyrim Online- Deal Of The Day 8

 Cheapest Skyrim OnlineSkyrim- the great continuation of the Elder Scrolls series that came to define the RPG game genre. If you haven't played it it's a definite must play, and if you haven't heard of it... Well.. I don't know where you've been living, or what you've been doing.
Even though it was released in 2011, it still usually costs around $20 to buy anywhere online. However, you can get it on G2A for only $7.72 from a 100% success seller and with the G2A shield turned off. So what are you waiting for? That's a 75% discount for an amazing game. Get it before it's too late at G2A!

How To Make $1,000,000 A Day Working From Home And Other Lies You See On The Internet

earn money online without investment
Image courtesy of stockimages /
You've seen these posts so many times. "Pay only $19 today to find out how to make $2000 a week working from home without any effort!" or "Sign up for this website and find out the secret to making over $300 a day right now!".

What do all these posts have in common? They all target out desire for maximum gains with minimum effort. Most people understand these claims for the scams they are and ignore them. However some fall into these traps again and again, in hope for easy cash. Now let me tell you a little secret that's going to change your life forever. You ready?

Here it is: if you don't put in the work, don't expect to earn money from nothing. There is no magic get rich quick scheme. There's no magic program that will let anyone make a crazy amount of money every week. It's definitely possible to make $3,000 a week working from home. However, it'll take hard work, determination, a lot of failing, and a lot of time.

That's the biggest simple fact that people don't understand. Some people like the statement work smart not hard, but I hate it for one simple reason: it tells you that if you work smart and use a magic program, you won't have to work hard to make money.

The best statement to live by is "Work smart and work hard". If you work hard and check out my website on real ways to making money and creating value online and if you direct your efforts in a smart way, money will come. Now, you have to understand where money comes from and what the best way to make it is. Simply put, you receive money in exchange for value. Be it intellectual, physical, or spiritual. If you learn to create value, either online or offline, you will earn it.

How To Make Money Online

how to increase your online income
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/
Do you want to make some money working from your computer?
Are you a teenager that can't work yet, but you still want some money for video-games, clothes or electronics? Or are you a college student who wants to make some money from his phone while going between classes? Either way, the website has you covered for all the different ways you can earn money from your phone or computer.

The website was created by me after going through at least a hundred websites when I needed to make some cash from my computer. As I sat there in shock after reading page after page of information, I wondered. "Why does a website where you can find all the possible ways to earn money online not exist yet? It would be so much easier to get all of the information from one website, instead of having to visit numerous other websites." And thus, Onlinemoneyz was born.

I've tried over 90% of the things I list on there, and if something doesn't work for you, you can just tell me in the feedback section, and I'll take it down right away.
Over time I hope it can become THE website to go to for when you want to fig
ure out how to earn some cash from your computer or phone.

I've already put up a lot of the information I've learned in my money-making quest, but I'm planning on growing the website over the upcoming year, and ultimately having it be the biggest collection of different websites that you can earn money on. It will also have the descriptions of the websites, how much money you can make from them, and which ones are worth it, and which ones aren't.
So check my website out! I promise you. You won't be disappointed!

10 Reasons For Using

make money online
Image courtesy of Ponsuwan /
So I decided to make a list of why you should use the website
Here they are:
  1. The content will be constantly updated.
  2. It's completely free!
  3. No more searching on Google for hours
  4. Almost all of the links I post on the website are completely legit. (I am still human, so I apologize if something gets through that doesn't work anymore. That's what the Feedback button on my website is for!)
  5. None of the companies I review pay me, so the recommendations are completely unbiased.
  6. If you have a question, the usual response time is within a couple days. ( A week at most)
  7. Did I mention that it's free?
  8. The more people visit the website, the more information I will be able to put up
  9. There will be no BS on the website
  10. It's FREE!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cheap Deux Ex Human Revolution- Deal Of The Day 7

Cheapest Deux Ex Human RevolutionDeux Ex Human Revolution is an amazing sequel to the original game created in 2000. The second game in the series is as good, if not better, than the first game.
The year is 2027, and humans have the capability to become a walking mech if they don't mind getting implants. You play as someone who suffered a terrible accident, and his whole body was rebuild using machines. This allows the player to customize the character greatly, and opens up a crazy level of customization and depth of gameplay.
You can play as the silent assassin sneaking around and completing the mission objective without being detected, or you can go in guns blazing and kill everyone.
There are also numerous things to explore in each and every level, items to find, and stories to unravel. You can get this game straight from for only $2.67 if you un-tick the G2A shield box. That's an amazing price for an amazing game. Click here to check it out!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Super Cheap Games At The Weekly Sale

g2a weekly salePaypal has partnered with to offer new and old games at incredibly low prices every week. What's the catch? The discount only applies if you use your Paypal account to buy them.
However since almost everyone already has a Paypal account, it's basically a free discount. And if you don't have a Paypal account, you can take 5 minutes to create one and buy new games like FIFA 15, Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare and many more for cheap. So go to to check it out!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cheapest Don't Starve- Deal Of The Day 6

cheapest don't starveAnother very fun and interesting survival game. You have a top-down view on the action, and you control, and help you character survive in whatever way possible.
Buy it for only $5.30 now, and don't forget to uncheck the G2A Shield button so you can actually buy it for $5.30 instead of paying G2A extra money!
Click here to go to the game page!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cheapest Terraria Online- Deal Of The Day 5

cheapest terrariaTerraria. A game that's often referred to as 2D Minecraft. I too has made the mistake of calling it 2D Minecraft when I first played the game, but as I put more and more hours into the game I realized Terraria was something on its own.
Sure, maybe they did "borrow" the whole blocky world idea from Minecraft, but Minecraft tries to keep the world mostly realistic. (Read: something you'd expect in a video game and wouldn't be too surprised if it happened in the real world), while Terraria doesn't care about that.
There's floating eyeball monsters, weird soul-eating thingies, place-able rain clouds, and many other fantasy items. Obviously, Minecraft isn't the epitome of realism with Endermen, Zombies, and The End, but it's still more grounded in reality than Terraria.
You can get it now for only $4.23 on! Don't forget to click the arrow by the Buy Now sign and uncheck the G2A Shield button so you get another $1 discount on your purchase!
So go forth and conquer the world of Terraria! Enjoy!