Sunday, September 21, 2014

How I Outranked PewDiePie (How To Outrank Your Competitors On YouTube)

How I Outranked PewDiePieWould you like to outrank all of your competitors and be the first YouTube result for a certain keyword?
Sadly I can't guarantee an outcome like that...

However, I can show you how I outranked PewDiePie for one of his very popular videos, and how you can outrank your competitors using a very simple process.

How I Outranked Pewds
Outranking PewDiePie took some pre-planning, but it was also a stroke of luck.

I found a flash game called Soccer Physics that just came out, and I did a quick YouTube Search Check for "Soccer Physics" and realized that there were already numerous videos out there that would be hard to beat.
I decided not to give up, and did a quick search for "Soccer Physics PC".

Nothing turned up.

I was super happy because I thought I'd be the first person to post some actual computer gameplay of the game, so I could rank pretty high.

My results Soccer Physics PC searchI never thought this game would become so incredibly popular that Pewds, Markplier, and others would play it.
The craziest thing was that I was able to outrank all of them for my search result of "Soccer Physics PC".

If you search for "Soccer Physics", PewDiePie is the first result and I'm nowhere to be found.
PewDiePie results soccer physics pc searchHowever if you append PC to the keyword and search for it I will be on the first spot!

That got me into thinking: could I replicate the same result on my other YouTube videos?

Two things stood out to me right away:
  1. I would need to check my competitors tags and make my tags better, or at least the same as theirs
  2. I would need to find keywords that none of the top results have in their tags, and put it into my tags
How To Beat Your Competitors
Now let's talk about how you can beat your competitors, and possibly outrank PewDiePie!

First of all you will need a tool called VidIQ. Specifically, you will need their Google Chrome Plugin.

Why do you need it?

my tags for soccer physics pc videoBecause it's what allows you to look at nearly ALL of the statistics for your competitors, and then beat them!

Let's look at the statistics for my video and PewDiePie's video.

As you can see, I actually have the words: PC Version, Soccer Physics PC, and flash in my tags. 

My video barely has any social involvement, with no FB likes, shares, or comments, and there are only 2 tweets about my video. 

However, I am still ranked higher than Pewds, because I have those 3 magic keywords in my tags, title, and description!
PewDiePie's tags for soccer physics PC video
I might be able to even rank for other keywords for this video if I get some social engagement, but I'm happy with one number one rank spot in the YouTube Search engine!

PewDiePie has tons of social engagement with over 151 Facebook likes, 154 shares, and a stunning 1,685 tweets!

However, nowhere in his tags does he have the word PC in it, and honestly, he doesn't need it.

Because of his popularity by simply having Pewdipie, pewdie, pewds, and playthrough in his tags, he can rank for those words pretty well.

He is even ranked number one for the search "soccer physics!"

But not "soccer physics PC," which I'm very thankful for!

How This Helps You
Ranking high on YouTube is hard work if you're not a very popular channel, but if you follow my advice here, and you're in the top 3 pages on YouTube, all you have to do is:

  1. Write down all the keywords you think people would search to get to your video
  2. Use VidIQ to check your competitors keywords.
    1. Write down the keywords that the top 3 search results have in common
    2. Write down the keywords that only the top result has
    3. Go through the rest of the videos above you, crossing out the keywords from your 3 lists as you go
  3. When you're done you should have a couple of keywords that you should be able to rank for!
Good luck with ranking your video and thank you for reading!
If you want more information on this, make sure to check out my video on using VidIQ to rank your videos below!