Sunday, September 28, 2014

Schedule For The Week Of 9/29/14- 10/5/14

My video schedule for the week of 9/29/14- 10/5/14.

I'm currently very busy with homework and studying for the PSAT and MMPC, so I didn't have as much time as I usually do to record videos.

I'll try to post another video on Friday. (Probably Soldier Front 2 or Alliance Of Valiant Arms), but it's possible that I'll be too busy to do that.

Sorry guys!

Monday (1pm EST) - CS:GO Gameplay EP2 Training_Aim_CSGO2
Wednesday (1pm EST) - Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP9 Shaving Lenny

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My Journey In The PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament

PewDiePie SpeedRunners TournamentPewDiePie is doing a Speedrunners tournament with big prizes as a reward for reaching 30 million subs, so I decided to join and see how I do.

I got this game 2 days before the competition started, so I knew I would have to put in A LOT of practice.
Thankfully it was the weekend, so I was able to play for around 8-12 hours.

The First Day
I was very nervous because I thought everyone would be a complete pro at this game, but it seems that most of the pros aren't participating in the tourney so I did much better than I thought I would do!
PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament Results DAY 1
I was able to get into the TOP 30 on the first day! In fact, I played 16 games and lost only 2, but 6 of them haven't confirmed my score yet, so I could be in the top 20 if not higher.

In total, I played for about 2 hours today, and I'm planning on playing a bit more later.

If I can keep up playing for 1-2 hours a day, and then having a 3-4 hour push on the weekend, I could definitely crack the top 15!

Hopefully none of the pros join the tournament.

After the first day there are 1,521 players entered, and that's only during the first day! I expect at least 20,000 to be in the tournament by the time it ends in 2 weeks.

 I think if I get a solid lead after the first 2 days, I could definitely stay in the top 100, and maybe even in the top 15!

Day 2
I was exhausted today from very little sleep so I played worse than usual...

In the morning I was ranked #17, but after a bunch of losses, I dropped down to #43.
PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament Results DAY 2Being in the top 100 is great, but my chances of getting into the top 15 are slowly fading.

I have some wins that still haven't counted, but those won't boost me much.

My goals for the next couple days are to:

  1. Get more sleep (I'll probably nap tomorrow and the day after)
  2. Get at least into the top 20
  3. Play 3-5 hours a day on the weekend
I think I have to make a HUGE push this weekend if I want any chance of getting into the top 15. 
Another problem is that the tourney ends when it's 7 in the morning for me on a school day, so I might have to wake up around 5 or 6 on that day to check what rank I am, and push for the last 2 hours if I'm not in the top 15.

Day 3
My rating has been jumping around between #20 and #52...

I'm getting sick at this point, and the sleep deprivation from school is starting to set in, so I'm playing worse. I was able to win some matches today, but it's not nearly enough to get into the top 15.
PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament Results DAY 3
This weekend I'm going to be grinding like crazy...

My skill level is definitely improving, and I play like a ranked Advanced or maybe even higher.

I'm seeing steady improvement which is definitely one of the most important things!

So far 2120 people have registered to participate in the tournament.

Day 4
Cheaters... Cheaters everywhere...

I should be in the top 20. BUT, because of players like Renegader (Steam name Boxxy), I'm fricking #53!

PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament Results DAY 4I submitted a ticket with 2 screenshots, and I hope they simply ban him in addition to giving me the point.

What he does is this:
If he loses, he says he won in hopes that the person doesn't have a screenshot because then the match dispute stays undecided and he doesn't get a loss added to his game.

SpeedRunners Tournament CheaterIf he wins, he says he wins and gets the point.

He is ranked #3 with this cheaty strategy. However, I'm hoping that my screenshots, and other people's screenshots (I messaged quite a few people about him), prove that he cheats.

Day 5 and 6
I'm really sick and playing much worse than usual. I played a couple games, but my rank dropped down to #67 so I stopped and just played ranked.
Hopefully I can get into the top 25 so i get a free t-shirt!

Day 7
PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament Results DAY 7I had to do homework and record other stuff today so I didn't play much. I played 5 games in the morning, but I lost 4 of them so I kind of gave up.
PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament Day 7 Top 15
Now I'm in position #92 which is quite disappointing.

If I have time this week, I'll see if I can keep myself in the top 100...

The top 15 is getting absolutely ridiculous at this point. I'm hoping that there will be another tournament later this year or next year, which I can practice for and have a better chance of winning.

Top 100 isn't too bad for a game that I just started playing last week though!

Day 8
PewDiePie Speedrunners Tournament Results DAY 8Day 8 is here, and with that the time when I almost completely give up on this tournament is approaching!

I'm currently #92, but I have lost 11 out of 15 of my last games.

The funny thing is that I'm actually playing better, but the pros finally realized the importance of this tournament and now I'm playing against Bronze, Silver and other high level professionals.

I'm going to try to stay in the top 100, but I don't think there's any chance of me going any higher...

The Wrap-Up
My ticket against the cheaty Renegade finally came through, but it was too late.

Renegade Cheating Resolution
All of my excitement about the competition was crushed and there was no time to regain my position...
Speedrunners tournament final result
I still finished #75 overall, which I consider to be quite impressive! If they every do another Speedrunners tournament, I'm fairly certain I'd be able to get much higher up in the leaderboards. Either way, I consider getting into the top 100 a pretty big achievement, considering that I started playing the game 2 days before the competition started.
Speedrunners PewDiePie tournament Final 15
I'm really disappointed that Renegade is in the top 15, but he dropped 6 spots in the past couple hours, so hopefully someone more deserving will get to play against Pewds.

It was a very fun experience overall, and if you guys want to see some of my Speedrunners videos you can check them out below!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Schedule For The Week Of 09/22/2014-09/28/2014

My videos schedule for the week of 09/22/2014-09/28/2014.
I have some other videos I haven't uploaded yet, so I will add them to here when I do upload them!

Monday (1pm EST) -Deus Ex Human Revolution Giveaway Winner & Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP5 Hunter And Hunted
Tuesday (1pm EST) - CS:GO Gameplay EP1 Arms Race And Noob Play
Wednesday (1pm EST) - Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP6 Rosewood
Thursday (1pm EST) - Soldier Front 2 Gameplay EP48 Capture!
Friday (1pm EST) - Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP7 Welcome To Hope
Sunday (1pm EST- Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP8 Birdie's Gift

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How I Outranked PewDiePie (How To Outrank Your Competitors On YouTube)

How I Outranked PewDiePieWould you like to outrank all of your competitors and be the first YouTube result for a certain keyword?
Sadly I can't guarantee an outcome like that...

However, I can show you how I outranked PewDiePie for one of his very popular videos, and how you can outrank your competitors using a very simple process.

How I Outranked Pewds
Outranking PewDiePie took some pre-planning, but it was also a stroke of luck.

I found a flash game called Soccer Physics that just came out, and I did a quick YouTube Search Check for "Soccer Physics" and realized that there were already numerous videos out there that would be hard to beat.
I decided not to give up, and did a quick search for "Soccer Physics PC".

Nothing turned up.

I was super happy because I thought I'd be the first person to post some actual computer gameplay of the game, so I could rank pretty high.

My results Soccer Physics PC searchI never thought this game would become so incredibly popular that Pewds, Markplier, and others would play it.
The craziest thing was that I was able to outrank all of them for my search result of "Soccer Physics PC".

If you search for "Soccer Physics", PewDiePie is the first result and I'm nowhere to be found.
PewDiePie results soccer physics pc searchHowever if you append PC to the keyword and search for it I will be on the first spot!

That got me into thinking: could I replicate the same result on my other YouTube videos?

Two things stood out to me right away:
  1. I would need to check my competitors tags and make my tags better, or at least the same as theirs
  2. I would need to find keywords that none of the top results have in their tags, and put it into my tags
How To Beat Your Competitors
Now let's talk about how you can beat your competitors, and possibly outrank PewDiePie!

First of all you will need a tool called VidIQ. Specifically, you will need their Google Chrome Plugin.

Why do you need it?

my tags for soccer physics pc videoBecause it's what allows you to look at nearly ALL of the statistics for your competitors, and then beat them!

Let's look at the statistics for my video and PewDiePie's video.

As you can see, I actually have the words: PC Version, Soccer Physics PC, and flash in my tags. 

My video barely has any social involvement, with no FB likes, shares, or comments, and there are only 2 tweets about my video. 

However, I am still ranked higher than Pewds, because I have those 3 magic keywords in my tags, title, and description!
PewDiePie's tags for soccer physics PC video
I might be able to even rank for other keywords for this video if I get some social engagement, but I'm happy with one number one rank spot in the YouTube Search engine!

PewDiePie has tons of social engagement with over 151 Facebook likes, 154 shares, and a stunning 1,685 tweets!

However, nowhere in his tags does he have the word PC in it, and honestly, he doesn't need it.

Because of his popularity by simply having Pewdipie, pewdie, pewds, and playthrough in his tags, he can rank for those words pretty well.

He is even ranked number one for the search "soccer physics!"

But not "soccer physics PC," which I'm very thankful for!

How This Helps You
Ranking high on YouTube is hard work if you're not a very popular channel, but if you follow my advice here, and you're in the top 3 pages on YouTube, all you have to do is:

  1. Write down all the keywords you think people would search to get to your video
  2. Use VidIQ to check your competitors keywords.
    1. Write down the keywords that the top 3 search results have in common
    2. Write down the keywords that only the top result has
    3. Go through the rest of the videos above you, crossing out the keywords from your 3 lists as you go
  3. When you're done you should have a couple of keywords that you should be able to rank for!
Good luck with ranking your video and thank you for reading!
If you want more information on this, make sure to check out my video on using VidIQ to rank your videos below!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Stop Constantly Checking Your Analytics!

terrible analytics BeatDabest
He's staring into your soul! Don't check the analytics!
We all do it.
You're bored and there's nothing you want to do.  So what do you do? Check the analytics of your website, YouTube channel, or whatever other account you have.

Most of us know it's pointless to obsess over our statistics, and checking them more than once a day can actually hurt you and whatever you're analyzing. However many of us still check then constantly, in the hope that you earned one more subscriber, one more dollar, or one more view. 

Why is this so bad, and how can we do ourselves from doing it?
Read on to find out!

Why It's Bad
First of all, let's talk about why we check the analytics.
For most, it's this constant desire to see how we're doing at the moment and what happened while we didn't check the analytics.
It's this paranoid feeling that if you don't check the statistics now, it would be as if they didn't exist, or they'll disappear forever, and that all the work you've done will have been for naught.

You might cover it up by saying that you want to figure out how to improve the performance of your website or channel, or you might say that you want to see how it's doing after that one tiny change you made to it a while ago, but most of the time it'll be because of the italicized reason above.

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as over-analyzing, especially if you have a small website or YouTube channel because then your time should definitely be spent elsewhere (hint, hint, content creation).

Also, many people check the statistics without a purpose, thus not improving anything except possibly giving them a short warm and fuzzy feeling because they got a couple more visitors/subscribers.

We live in a culture of instant gratification, and checking the stats and being happy about about your performance is much easier (and feels much better) than banging out amazing content that will get you much more views.

If you haven't heard about the 80/20 rule, it basically means that 80 percent of your results will come from 20 percent of your effort /actions.
In most people's cases, the 20 percent they should focus on is creating amazing, in-depth content that people will want to share.

Easier said than done, right?

However the above idea is basically the Holy grail of Internet success.
You create better content than anyone else. 
You draw people in using that content, and you get then to share it, or subscribe to you so to get viewers that come back.

The 20 percent that you need to focus on is hard. But it'll yield much greater results than simply checking your analytics will do in the long run.
Now that we've figured out why it's so bad, let's work on changing it!

How To Stop Checking Analytics Constantly
Checking your statistics when you're bored is a habit, and like any habit it can be changed.
There are 3 steps to a habit :
  1. Cue: I'm bored, let's check my analytics 
  2. Routine: pull out phone/laptop, check statistics 
  3. Reward: warm and fuzzy feeling because I got viewers.

Now to change this, you will need to know what your cues are. Whenever you notice yourself checking your analytics try to figure out how you felt and what you were doing before you loaded it up.
Write it down.
Over a week or so, a pattern should emerge.
Once you know what causes you to do it, you can work on changing your routine. 

Set up a routine to do when you're bored, so instead of checking your statistics you can read a blog about SEO or YouTube channel improvement (like this blog!), or something else you would consider useful.
It could be :
  • Brainstorming ideas for videos, blog posts, etc... 
  • Wiring a part of a cog blog post 
  • Reading a blog 
  • Checking the news 
  • Learning a new language
  • And many more.

After that, you will get to enjoy a warm and fuzzy feeling of learning something new, and/or improving your online business in the process.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tyler Beasting In Minecraft

I played Minecraft Hunger Games on the Hypixel Server with Tyler this weekend, and he won 2 games in a row which is absolutely beast!

TylerForYou Minecraft So Boss
I never knew he was good at Minecraft... But I'd probably know that if I played with my subscribers more.

Anyway, since I'm trying to post more stuff on my blog, you guys have a new opportunity to send me your amazing screenshots or videos that you want me to post on this blog and I'll do that!

You can send the videos to, or just message me on Steam, YouTube or somewhere else.
TylerForYou Minecraft Dang
Basically if you had an amazing moment in a game and you managed to screenshot it, send it to me and I will post it on here if I find it cool!

Maybe I'll even talk about you on my channel!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Schedule For The Week Of 9/15/14-9/21/14

My scheduled videos for the week of 9/15/14-9/21/14!
If you're reading this, you can already watch all of them if you want! 

However, they won't be visible on YouTube until the day it says they will be published.
Enjoy the special, behind the scenes, access!

This list will be updated throughout the week as I upload and create new videos, so make sure you check it again if you're craving to watch something!

Monday (1pm EST) - AVA Gameplay EP115 New Airborne Map + Playing With Subs Info
Wednesday (1pm EST) - Speedrunners Gameplay EP2 PewDiePie Cup Cheaters And Glitches
Friday (1pm EST) - Weekly Shoutout #5- GuiltyAsSin163

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

10 Reasons To Quit YouTube (And Why Your Excuses Suck)

Don't quit YouTubeHere are the 10 best reasons that will either convince you to stop making YouTube videos, or show that YouTube is something for you.
  1. Your videos are terrible.
  2. You will never succeed so why try?
  3. There are so many other good videos out there. Mine will get lost in the search.
  4. I'm starting my YouTube "career" way too late.
  5. What's the point?
  6. I don't have the right hardware to record.
  7. I always have people distracting you from recording, so why bother?
  8. It's just too much work.
  9. My time is better spent elsewhere.
  10. I don't know what to record.
If you're still with me, congratulations!
Now let's go through the 10 reasons for why the excuses above are complete and total bull.
  1. There will always be people doing something better than you, but there always will be people doing it worse than you. If you persevere, you will get better!
  2. It all depends on what you mean by success. If your goal is earning millions of dollars quickly, then YouTube isn't for you. However, if success means having a tight-know community who you can talk to and have fun with, while making some extra money, then that's reachable within a year if not more!
  3. Check out this post. There are a lot of great videos, but some games also have almost no videos for them. It all depends on how you look at it, and what you're willing to record.
  4. You have to start someday. Today is earlier than tomorrow ain't it?
  5. What's the point of life? Or food? Or sleep? Or having fun?
  6. Do you have a computer and a headset (for gaming), or a phone (for other videos)? If yes, then you're all set!
  7. If you really can't get 10 minutes of alone time in your house, then make some cuts in your videos and record in short bursts!
  8. Life is too much work man...
  9. Possibly, yes! But isn't it always "better" to be doing something else?
  10. That is problematic... ANYTHING! You can record. Play. Do. ANYTHING! 
Thank you guys for reading my top 10 reasons for quitting YouTube (and the reasons for why the excuses are absolutely terrible).
If you have any excuses of your own, please post them in the comments!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Single Player Games VS Multiplayer Games (A YouTube Performance Study)

If you've read some of my other blog posts, you will know that I greatly prefer multiplayer games over single player games for getting more viewers on your gaming channel.

Single Player Games VS Multiplayer Games For Getting More Viewers On YouTube

In fact, I had a whole 2,500 word post on what you should and shouldn't record to earn more subscribers and viewers.

You can read that post here.

However, some people are still unconvinced, so I decided to do a little case study of my own YouTube channel and show why I absolutely hate single player games for earning subscribers.

Keep in mind that I LOVE playing single player games, and I even recorded some for my channel, but if your goal is increasing the number of your subscribers or viewers, then there are many other things you can do to get the best bang for your buck.

Single Player Games Dissection
Single Player Games Analytics DataThe analytics of all the single-player games I have played are on the right.
As always I can't show you my earnings, but you can see all of the important statistics.

As you can see I have 6,776 views. Which isn't that bad in itself. Until you see that I have 49 videos in this group!

That means that on average every single video I created got 148 views.

Single Player Games Top 10 DataWhich wouldn't have been that bad...

However, the Top 10 Videos bar tells a completely different story.
You can see that 3 of my videos account for almost 64% of all my views.

In fact, if I only had my Top 10 videos up, I would have 5,552 views!

The kitty is sad because of little views from recording single-player games.This means that the hours I spend on my 39 videos only yielded 1224 views!

That's only 31 views per video!

Now I don't know about you, but I want more than a measly amount of 31 views per video.
It usually takes me around an hour to record, edit, and upload a 10-15 minute video, so that's around 30 hours I spent, all to get 1224 views...

At the very end of this post, I will do a side-by-side comparison of the views, and engagement per video for multiplayer vs single player games, so stay tuned!

Multiplayer Games Dissection
Multiplayer Games Analytics DataWhat's the first thing that you notice when you look at my Multiplayer Analytics?
Probably the fact that my overall statistics are much higher.

I have a total of 93,429 views which is a pretty high number.

Multiplayer Games Top 10 DataHowever, I also have 198 videos in this group, compared to only 49 videos in the single player group, so the increase in views is expected.

The average views per video is still higher than in the single player group! It sits at right around 472 views per video, which isn't bad. But are the Top 10 videos eating up over 81% of my views?

My top 10 videos amount to 63,152 views total, which is right around 67.5%.

What does that mean for the rest my videos however?

multiplayer games great engagementThat means that on average, my multiplayer videos not in the top 10, have about 161 views per video.

The best part about all of my multiplayer videos however, is the engagement!

I have over 1000 likes, 2000 comments, and I got over 200 subscribers, just from my multiplayer videos!

I even have over 100 dislikes!
You might be wondering why I'm happy about dislikes, but even dislikes help your video rank higher, because it means someone dedicated his time to pressing that dislike button.

 Single Player VS Multiplayer Comparison
Now the moment we've all been waiting for!
Here is the side-by-side comparison of the views and engagement for single player VS multiplayer with the winner of each category bolded:

Single Player Totals6,77610661098913
Multiplayer Totals93,4291,1431102,21984211
Single Player Average/Video138.
Multiplayer Average/Video 471.95.80.611.20.41.1

Multiplayer VS Single Player games YouTube AnalyticsEven though the single-player game videos had more favorites, the multiplayer game videos blew them out of the water in all the other categories.
For those of you who prefer a more graphical way to think about things, here's a YouTube Analytics comparison!

Just click on it to make it bigger!

As you can see, the blue line, easily beats the orange line almost every single time.

What Does This Mean For You?
Does this mean that you should completely stop recording single player games, and completely dedicate your YouTube channel to multiplayer games?

Simply put: NO! 

But doesn't that contradict everything that I was just talking about?

Get more views on YouTube by knowing what to record!Not necessarily.

It just means you should be more choosy of what single-player games you're recording, and that you should always do the YouTube Search Check, before recording it for YouTube!

It also means that you should play multiplayer games first to build up a base of loyal subscribers and then add some single player games in the mix later.

If you liked reading this post, then you might be interested in my post about what you should record to increase your YouTube views. In that post I go in depth on what you should and shouldn't record, so check it out!

As always, thank you for reading, and please leave a comment if you have any questions!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Video Schedule For The Week Of 9/1-9-7

I decided that I will do a simple, weekly schedule post when I can, so you guys know what to expect for the upcoming week video wise.
Keep in mind that not all of these videos will be available to you at this moment, but you will be able to watch them on the day of the publishing after the specified time!

This list will be updated throughout the week as I upload and create new videos, so make sure you check it again if you're craving to watch something!

Tuesday (1pm EST) - Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP1 A Personal Contract
Wednesday (1pm EST) - AVA Gameplay EP114 Plans For The Year!
Thursday (1pm EST) - Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP2 The King Of Chinatown
Saturday (1pm EST) - Hitman Absolution Gameplay EP3 Terminus