Saturday, August 30, 2014

How To Use Market Samurai For Ranking YouTube Videos

If you've heard of the great piece of software called Market Samurai, kudos to you! If you're using it for your website already, good job!
However, are you using it to help you rank your YouTube videos on Google?

uncharted gameplay google videos
Having your YouTube video on the first page of Google can double the traffic to your video, and who wouldn't want that to happen?

However, Google usually features videos with these keywords in them:
  • Gameplay
  • Tutorial
  • How To
  • Unboxing
So if your video is related to one of these, you have a fair chance of having a high rank on Google.

If You Don't Have Market Samurai You Can Download A Free Trial Here!

Let's say that you're trying to rank a video for "Uncharted Gameplay".

As you can see above, it looks like a hard term to rank for. 

However, let's boot up Market Samurai, press that New Keyword button, type in "Uncharted Gameplay" as your keyword and go to the SEO Competition module. This is the module that you will use for figuring out how you can rank your YouTube videos.
Now press Generate results and you will see something like the picture below! 

uncharted gameplay market samurai

As you can see, the top 3 results are the videos that we saw in the actual search. You might be seeing a lot of red and yellow, but a large number of that will be the same across all YouTube domains.

The important columns to look at are the: 
  • PR column because they differ from video to video. (Anything above PR2 will be hard to beat)
  • RDP column (RDP means referring domains, and it basically shows how many websites have backlinks to this video on them)
  • BLP column (This is the amount of backlinks the video has. Keep in mind that 10 backlinks from high PR sites are better than 1000 backlinks from spammy sites)
  • The last 4 columns (If there are a lot of N's there, it means that you might be able to overtake the result if you put the keyword into the Title, Decription, and the tags)
For this search result, you could probably rank in the top 3 if you:
  1. Put Uncharted Gameplay into the Title, Decription, Tags, and comments of the video.
  2. Name the original file you upload Uncharted Gameplay
  3. Get either 5-20 doFollow backlinks from high-PR sites (long term strategy), or 500-2000 crappy backlinks from any sites (Short term spammy strategy)
Another thing you can do is create Captions for the video, so YouTube has more information to index it, and hopefully put it on the front page for the search.

If you like Market Samurai, and you would like to buy it, you can check out my blog post on how to get it for only $57 here
Thank you for reading, and don't be afraid to comment if you have any questions! Good luck in destroying your competition and ranking first on Google!

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